Align your MDA strategy to the National Development Plan 3

  If you are a leader of any government institution, you must translate your strategic plan and annual budget priorities into results-oriented programs in


If you are a leader of any government institution, you must translate your strategic plan and annual budget priorities into results-oriented programs in line with approved NDP III for increased national impact and support of the government agenda. You must be and be seen to support national priorities.

As the national competition for resource envelope allocation intensifies especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, you must urgently reassess your organizational strategy by aligning your programs to the NDP III. Unless your strategic areas are linked to the NDP III, you risk being allocated insufficient funds now and or in the future when you need more resources.  But that is not all. You risk losing relevancy since you would be implementing a budget that may not be contributing to the contemporary national growth focus. And you know that means – anti-government.

On 7th July 2020, the Secretary to the Treasury issued an Instruction Circular ‘No.BPD 86/107/02’ to all Accounting Officers (Central & Local Governments, and Missions Abroad) and Chief Executive Officers of State-owned Enterprises & Public Corporations. All Accounting Officers must ensure that all activities for FY2020/2021 are aligned with the NDP III and implemented accordingly.

Why align your strategy to NDP III?

The National Development Plan three provides national priorities for the next 5 years. These too are aligned to the Uganda vision 2040. Previously, the national development plan was a three-year plan. Since many ministries, directorates and agencies do 5-year plans, the NPDIII planning horizon was increased by two to make it a five-year plan to make it easy to align.

To attain national aspirations, all MDAs must move in the same direction. That is what alignment achieves.

How do you align?

Start by conducting a detailed analysis of the perspective in which you operate– a thorough assessment of the external environment – opportunities, threats, and competitor analysis. Review the relevant national, regional, and international developments and what they mean to your institution or agency. One of the key documents to review is the National Development Plan 3. Study each carefully and examine both the opportunities and threats to your institution. For each opportunity, assess it in detail explaining why you think it is an opportunity or threat. State further why it is an opportunity, and what you must do to tap into it, and the expected results. For action, have specific indicators to measure optimizing the opportunity.

To align with NDP III, start with the stated aspirations. In the plan, there is a scorecard for the next five years per strategic objective. Carefully select areas of your interest and define what your institution can do to support the achievement of the government priority.

To be continued.

Are you a ministry, directorate, or agency (MDA) of government? Would you need strategy review facilitation as well as a review of your strategy and alignment to NDP III? If yes, contact Mr. Strategy. Visit and use any contact points.

Mustapha B Mugisa, Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.

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