Learn to say NO and live worry free life!

It is a two letter word, but it is the most important, if you are to reclaim your life and spend your time with

It is a two letter word, but it is the most important, if you are to reclaim your life and spend your time with those who matter.

As a leader or someone interested in getting ahead, you don’t have to attend to each and everything that comes on your table.

To effectively decongest your life, do the following.

1. Have few principles to guide your decisions. Other people may call them culture. I call them your personal credo. What values guide your decisions? As a consultant, I – (i) focus on the customer; (ii) don’t lie, (iii) empower others to excel and (iv) improve the customer’s condition to live a worry free life.  I will not accept any business that fails any of these values/ tests. A friend of mine says “I don’t give out my car to my friends UNLESS saving a life.” Another does not lend money to friends; he just gives what he can afford. Helps them avoid disappointments.

2. Say no to people who make you unhappy. Avoid keeping company of any folk you meet and makes you feel low. Life is too short to please people who don’t put you in your element.

Learn to say NO. You will get some breathing space.

Copyright 2014. Mustapha B. Mugisa, Your Success Partner 

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