Make the most of this #covid19 lockdown at home

The good life starts and ends at home. If this covid19 lockdown found you in a house NOT a home, you are in for

The good life starts and ends at home. If this covid19 lockdown found you in a house NOT a home, you are in for a big test.

According to my brilliant team of data analytics, business intelligence, and web designers, people who visit my website are interested in three things, in order:

  1. The love accelerator survey, how hot is your love life. If you are having problems in your love life, take this survey. Even if you are enjoying your love life, take this survey to know exactly what makes your marriage tick. Take the Survey Today to find how to make your relationships magnetic
  2. The 7Tools of effective board member resources, here.
  3. And the Mindspark blog posts, especially the category money, religion, and sex. Can you imagine! My Grandpa was right when he said, the search for power by most men is usually for selfish reasons – to access money and sex in plenty. And if these men are not religious in some form, then the led are finished.

So, where do you fall?

For some reason, people – leaders, laypeople and professionals and everyone in between – pretend not to want to talk about love, yet that is what drives their determination to achieve in life. Ironic, isn’t it?

Ok, something about me.

I help organizations stay a step ahead in their life and business. I facilitate transformation agendas. For this, people have a name for me, Mr. Strategy. To transform, you must identify your most pressing challenges and brainstorm various options and implement one with better odds of winning. It is not easy to pick one option since many people and leaders always want to keep their options open.

It is difficult to win in the workplace if someone is not winning at home! Having a great love life and marriage provides a strong foundation for success. And this probably explains why I have more traffic to the #magneticlovelife than to my strategy articles. You cannot implement a strategy when you are in a toxic marriage or relationship!

Working with many executives I have come to realize that no executive can thrive, be in their element and lead well if they have a poor love life. It all starts with family and ends there. If the executive is disorganized at home or in a toxic relationship, all the leadership and management models and strategies may never make sense. Someone cannot easily focus.

And that is why I add resources to help you have a spark in your love regardless of your leadership level.

We all need to love and be loved.

So, during this Easter weekend, I am sharing with you exclusive resources to transform your life. Put a spark in your love life. Whether you are a CEO of a global entity like Apple or Alphabet, or a doctor having sleepless nights fighting #coronavirus, you need your blood to flow perfectly so that you are in your element. It does not matter your sexual orientation. What matters is that you are in a loving and respectful relationship.

And here are the resources:

  1. The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman.
  2. Woman Power – Transform Your Man, Your Marriage, Your Life
  3. The Mr. & Mrs. Happy Handbook – Everything I Know About Love and Marriage (with corrections by Mrs. Doocy)
  4. Marriage and Intimacy – A Guide to Growing a Happy Relationship Filled with Love and Friendship
  5. The Secrets of Happily Married Men_ Eight Ways to Win Your Wife’s Heart Forever

Whether you are a one wife man or a Hajj with several Hajjats, the above resources are a great starting point.  You don’t have to apply everything you read. Whenever you read a book, you pick ideas that are relevant to your context and apply only those. Remember, the book author writes for many people and does not understand their unique circumstances. It is you to pick the applicable ideas relevant to your circumstances.

In case you need a copy of any of the above books, inbox your email. I am a member of Ebscohost and have access to lots of resources some of which I am free to share for educational purposes.

I wish you happiness during this Easter holiday.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.

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