#Mindspark Friends, my book challenge starts today.

The purpose: spark your mind. Are you ready to grow in 2020? Learn someone thing new weekly. You will be so far ahead in

The purpose: spark your mind. Are you ready to grow in 2020?

Learn someone thing new weekly. You will be so far ahead in 52 weeks in 2020.

Every week, I will share a new title for you to read.

Every Friday at 8:00 pm, I will provide a brief summary of the book. You are free to ask any questions.

Do you know that over 70% of the people who buy books never read them properly? Some do a quick perusal. Others just put it on the table next to the TV remote and never open the book. Every time they want to read, they instead pick the remote control. And others just take a photo with the book. And that is it. A few others, actually do read the book. Word for word. Page to page. Cover to cover. And they take summary notes to contextualize key learning points to apply in their own businesses and life. No wonder we have very few special people.

Which type of book reader are you?

Let’s make 2020 special.

Let’s read a book, a week.

I will be your accountability partner. I want you to improve. Spark your mind. Fresh ideas week in week out. And I am available to help you interpret the book and apply it in the Ugandan environment to start moving closer to your aspirations and New Year Resolutions.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.

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