Specialisation Vs Generalisation. What does great look like?

In Uganda but also anywhere in the world, people who earn high incomes are those who have expertise in their area of specialization. If

In Uganda but also anywhere in the world, people who earn high incomes are those who have expertise in their area of specialization. If you are an engineer, a medical doctor or a forensic examiner, you need to be specialized. Specialization gives you a lot of industry expertise. You become a leader whom others want to follow.

The challenge in many developing countries is that clients do not yet understand what great looks like. When the market doesn’t understand what great looks like, they are willing to pay a lot for any kind of skill. Clients end up paying for mediocre services.  It makes people who have specialized and acquired great skills to not get reward for their expertise. At the end of the day, they become generalists because it’s not about what you know but who knows you.

Our economies are increasingly having gaps in everything people do. There is no sign of expertise and attention to detail. Great workshop is not rewarded. Consider an engineer who spends a lot of time writing a project report. On submission, the user/ client cannot even understand it.


The challenge in many developing countries is that clients do not yet understand what great looks like. When the market doesn’t understand what great looks like, they are willing to pay a lot for any kind of skill.


When an economy is not sophisticated, the reward for expertise is poor. And this generally makes people stop seeking for excellence.

If we want to grow our country Uganda, we need to pay attention to detail. It is us the consultants, professionals to create a lot of awareness so that the country appreciates what great looks like.

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