Tool 68 of 104 is to not be afraid

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Emmanuel, a name which means ‘God-is-with-us.’ When Joseph woke

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Emmanuel, a name which means ‘God-is-with-us.’ When Joseph woke up he did what the angel of the Lord had told him to do: he took his wife to his home.” Matthew 1:18-24.

No one is born with clothes on. Nature, nurture and choices made affect the quality of your life.

An event happened on 12th December 2019 which stuck with me. After I branched on the small road towards home, a man saw my car coming. I use this road every day I am sure he recognized it. And once in a while, I lower my driver-side mirror down and greet neighbors at the shops nearby.

At about 5:30 am, an old man I have never seen stood in the middle of the road, making difficult to bypass him. Everyone is security conscious nowadays that stopping for strangers is not recommended. Being an old me, I stopped and lowered my window.

He came quickly to speak to me. “Mzee, I need your help. I look after three grandchildren who were left to me. As you can see I am an old man, and weak. I just need your help just for today. Ugx. 10,000 is enough for me to get out of my current problem. I will never disturb you again.”

Some people are so honest that you can see it.

I got into my pocket and got the only Ugx. 50k I had and handed it over to the old man. I took the risk – if he does it again to me, I shall just ignore him and move on. But sometimes in my life, I have people who may invite you to their wedding or some graduation party. You send them about Ugx .200,000 contribution which they tend to undermine as a meager contribution!

A week later, the old man signaled me to stop. I hesitated. But stopped a few steps away. This time he did not want my help. He had chicken to give me as appreciation. I thanked him for the gesture and told him to rear it so that we may eat eggs. We exchanged phones. I took an interest in the old man and called him up for a coffee meet-up later.

What a life well-lived. He did not want the Ugx. 50,000 donation. He just wanted to find new friendships in his old age. I still cannot believe a successful man with several apartments in Ntinda, who is also lonely.

But that is life. You may not have it all – the best way is not to be afraid. For the future is the best equalizer. Make the most of it.

I wish you a merry Christmas. Be blessed.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2019. For more, visit Due to requests, you can now ask me any question on +25678261000.

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