#WayoftheGuerrilla marketing; market to many, sell to one, part 5 of 7

Take a closer look at figures 1 and 2. What do you see? In Figure 1, the salesperson is standing before one person. In

Take a closer look at figures 1 and 2. What do you see?

In Figure 1, the salesperson is standing before one person. In Figure 2, the salesperson is standing before an audience in a conference room. What do you learn from these? Find a piece of paper and write your thoughts before proceeding.

A sale is about closing a deal, exchanging money, or signing a memorandum of understanding. This is best done one-on-one. It is very difficult to sale for many people at the same time.

The rule is: to sell to one. Market to many. Why?

Marketing is about influencing, creating brand visibility and presence. In the lay man’s language, marketing is the process of making your prospective buyers know about you. To be anxious to use your services or buy your products. To actually start looking around for your products. It is the process of making your prospects to ‘squat.’

Marketing is best done when you market to many. Whether you are selling insurance services or airtime, you must create brand awareness to your target market niche. You want the people who are potential customers to know about your products and services.

As a leader, how is your team marketing?  Marketing, using the #Way of The Guerrilla approaches, is the process of making people squat while sales are the process of pushing them to fall over. Market to create visibility of your brand as the best in the industry.

Previous: #WayofTheGuerrilla: why you need a marketing plan, part 4 of 7

Once you market, you create a lot of presence. As a guerrilla, how do you market?  Are you going to get a lot of money and put it into billboards or TV commercials? Or you are going to be a guerrilla, come to Summit Consulting to learn the secrets of the guerrilla marketing so that you market using the guerrilla marketing weapons. How do you sell and reach everybody who matters to your business on a very small budget?

You need to market and sell like a guerrilla who focuses on spending less for maximum sales. You need to learn and deploy Guerrilla marketing weapons. Like guerrillas, they start with few weapons, work closely with the communities of their operation and create lots of partnerships. They move door to door and invest a lot in intelligence at all time. Guerrillas know that knowledge is poor. They also know that relationships and networks with communities are everything to win.

So does a Guerrilla marketer.

Once you master the #Way of The Guerrilla weapons, you see your sales increase in ways you never knew were possible.

I invite you to meet my colleagues at Summit Consulting or go to mustaphabm3.sg-host.com, www.summitcl.com and study about the 100 guerilla marketing weapons. Transform each of your sales team into an arsenal who can go any audience, speak and sell.

To attend the #WayofTheGuerrilla sales, visit mustaphabm3.sg-host.com.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2019. All rights reserved.

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