What is your scale?

I am called Mustapha B. Mugisa, your success partner.I want you to know that life is about making choices of the things you will

I am called Mustapha B. Mugisa, your success partner.I want you to know that life is about making choices of the things you will do and the ones you will not do. When you choose to be everything to everybody, you end up being a mediocre person. This is why you need to find your forte, specialize and become exceptionally good.

As you make choices in your life, what is your scale? If you don’t have a scale to help you measure whether you are progressing or not, you end up stagnating. Without a right scale, you cannot know whether you are improving or not.


“Life is about making choices of the things you will do and the ones you will not do”


If you are a Human Resources by professional, you must ask yourself; “what is the scale that measures whether I am improving or not?” If you are a cyber security expert, what scale do you use to measure progress or stagnation?

As a CEO, my scale is to increase profits, customers and overall business growth. But this is a basic measure. So, I look at the scale of the number of testimonials I get from satisfied customers. If I got three clients giving me a testimonial, I know we have done an outstanding work. So, our scale at Summit Consulting is number clients through referrals, and new testimonials.

In whatever you do, what scale are you stepping on? If you don’t make a choice of having the right scale, you will inhale your own exhaust and stagnate.

So, what is your scale?

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