Why is Bobi Wine a hot news in Kenya?

Analysis of the nation.co.ke website statistics shows that “bobi wine treason” is one of the top key words many people type in the Search

Analysis of the nation.co.ke website statistics shows that “bobi wine treason” is one of the top key words many people type in the Search Engines before visiting the nation.co.ke website.

Daily nation, nation.co.ke is ranked as one of the world’s most visited and popular websites at #1,524. The #1 world’s top website by traffic is Google. For Daily Nation to be among the top 1,500 websites in the world, that is not a mean achievement. The website ranks 4th in Kenya.

Statistics on Alexa.com shows Daily Nation has over 22 million monthly page views, with majority of the visitors coming from Kenya, followed by United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and Canada!

A total of 2.1% of over 1m unique visitors search for “bobi wine treason” on the daily nation website. That is a total of 21,000 unique visitors! You can gain the true picture of the interest in Bobi Wine from the popular search engines.

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My question to you is:

why are many Kenyans searching about Bobi Wine?

This goes a long to show that Uganda’s President recent bashing of the Ministers and Police on man-handling Bobi Wine is spot. The increased court appearances, police arrests and all the effort at curtailing his music shows is providing a strong popularity and political capital.

The more the cases, the more online search interest this new kid on the bloc is likely to garner.

As a political strategist, you don’t want this to be happening.

Again, my question is: why many people are interested in Uganda’s politics. If you read carefully, Uganda as a source of the search traffic is not on the list.

For God and My Country.


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