When you choose to marry, it means you must find an appropriate model to handle financial issues. Most of the time challenges that come to my desk as an investigator is couples are complaining about their cheating spouses. You must establish a way of managing your family finances depending on the stage of life you got married to each other. Do you combine 100% of your finances? Do you jointly manage 50%? Does each spouse manage their own finances, or the man provides for the family? Which one? Model 2: Joint account with 50%50% stake Wife and husband agree…
Models for managing family finances part 1
Life is about making choices of the things you will do and the things you will not do. You cannot choose to be everything to everybody and expect to succeed. Let’s explore choices of how to manage your family especially family finances. When I was young, my grandfather told me three things; money, sex, and food are some of the biggest challenges in a given family. If other factors like religion came up where the wife belongs to a certain faith from the husband’s, family tensions may become worse.As you plan, make choices of how to grow the family, you…