What kind of business are you in? How do you bring money on the table? Remember, regardless of your business, high turnover and sales revenue is the lifeline to your business success. Cash flow to your business is like blood circulation in your body! Once again: as a business leader; how do you bring money on the table? The WayOfTheGuerrilla marketing and sales training is to help unlock your business to sell more on a shoe string budget. Whatever business you are in, it is really a “marketing business.” As A Strategy and Risk expert, I have been…
The road most travelled
I would like to share with you a powerful insight about the road most travelled. In your life, which road do you take? The road most travelled or least travelled? Whichever decision you make, you are either taking road A or road B. if you choose to become an accountant, are you taking the profession because that’s what most of your peers are specializing in? Or because they are few individuals pursuing the same course? Remember, always focus on the out crowd. There is chaos in the in crowd. Avoid following the crowd. In life’s success, the majority are not…