Have you ever wondered why most CEOs will make the first call to their lawyers when faced with a key decision and ignore the internal auditor and or the accountant altogether? Wonder no more. First, we need to understand the difference between a good lawyer and a bad lawyer. The key difference is the quality of their ‘first opinion’, the piece of advice you immediately get from your lawyer when you consult about a problem that you need immediate response there and then. A good lawyer’s first opinion rarely changes even after consultations. An average lawyer or a bad lawyer,…
Tool #31 of 104 is to accept and carry your own cross
What is your personal cross? Have you accepted to carry it without complaining or you are working hard to have others carry it for you. At family level, people don’t want to carry their own cross. At any slightest of a challenge, they want an easy way out. On 5th June 2010, a former old boy at Makerere University called asking for help in his wedding preparations. He requested that I support him as his best man. I hesitated, but he insisted. That evening he came to my office and we reminisced the University times and how we were buddies.…