KAMPALA, 31st July 2019: In furtherance of one of its key corporate values, integrity, and good corporate governance, Crown Beverages Ltd conducted a full-day refresher course for the Top Management Team (TMT) on Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM), and Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery (BCP/DR)training in accordance with International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 31000:2018 and ISO 22301, respectively. Speaking at the opening of the training, Mr. Paddy Muramiirah, CBL Chief Executive Officer (CEO) said that “We are a beverages company. Our products already undergo extensive quality control mechanisms as part of our risk management. However, as a learning organization, we…
The ‘strikers’ in a company
Running a private business is about two things: business development which covers branding, marketing and sales; and cost management which focuses on increasing shareholder value. If you have five staff, ideally more than 60% should be focused on the revenue side of the business. It does not matter how much costs you try to cut, if revenue is not growing, you will soon be cash trapped. Before you think about cost-cutting, first generate some money to keep the business moving. Why organizations struggle? Any company that must look for money in order to deliver her mandate, must make a deliberate…