It is that season of the year of multiple reality tests – poverty, friendship, and family. Once I followed a family after a shopping spree with three shopping carts full to the brim! Another fellow in the line was just looking. The till fee was in excess of Ugx. 1,300,000. The lady shopper did not even bother to claim the royalty units on offer by the supermarket. When one cannot even afford a kilo of meat at Ugx. 1,200, witnessing this in action makes one suddenly realize how they have terribly failed the poverty test. In this season of giving,…
The future of meetings
A meeting is a forum for face to face team member interactions to find a common position on an issue and decide the next steps. The quality of any meeting is defined by its agenda. It is 2019, but many people still run their meetings with Agendas of the 1960s. Such an agenda goes as follows: Opening prayer Introduction from the Chair Reactions Review minutes of the last meeting Reactions Reports from finance Reports from HR The CEO report Adjourn The first item depends on your company values. If you are Christian or Moslem founded Institution, this item is critical.…