One of the most prolific sayings goes: wherever there is a leadership vacuum, a new leader emerges. What explains one person, of so many people, emerges and challenges the status quo? How come such a person gets accepted and rallies so many others behind him or her? People tend to follow someone with character, a track record, tenacity, and courage to challenge the status quo. Such people are willing to go an extra mile than the rest to provide a vision and a clear roadmap to go there. One of the qualities of great leaders is their ability to share…
Here is how to fix your team cohesion
Are your staff working as a team or a bunch of individuals? During these times of the pandemic, many institutions have taken drastic measures to reduce operational costs through undertaking projects like strategic redeployment and staff rationalization initiatives to optimize their human capital resources. But cutting costs through staff terminations without a deliberate focus on growing revenues is never a great solution to win. Great leaders focus on growing revenues by challenging the staff to work as a team to explore new opportunities and better ways of delivering value and cross-selling. Then consideration to identify the weak links for re-training…