I watched a documentary on the Dstv discovery channel titled, a mission to Saturn which was fascinating. I got to learn about the Cassini–Huygens spacecraft, which was launched in 1997 and stayed in Orbit from 2004 to 2017. That is 13 cool years in space from the Earth. That means, if you were to travel there, the trip would take 13 years in transit! I want you to take the time to think about that. If you are a science enthusiast, you already know from Wikipedia that: “At its closest, Saturn is 1.2 billion kilometres away from Earth. So, with today’s spacecraft…
Same old Kyehooro landing site!
On 25th December 2020, I made a trip to the Kyehooro landing site, on lake Albert to rekindle old childhood memories. As a young boy, I would walk that 60 something return trip. It was a tough journey, which was considered as a right of passage to adulthood of sorts. We would walk to the landing site to buy fish for resale at a profit. It was usually a two day’s journey. Just before the rift valley, lived a man who would allow us to sleep at his home, and wake us very early to begin the descent of the…