The covid19 Mindspark: how to win during a lockdown, part 2

The covid19 Mindspark: how to win during a lockdown, part 2 The covid19 lockdown is here. You have the choice of what to do

The covid19 Mindspark: how to win during a lockdown, part 2

The covid19 lockdown is here. You have the choice of what to do with your time. In part 1, I explored items a) to b). In this blog, I continue with the following list.

  1. Read a new book
  2. Train your children
  3. Enrol on a new course to up your skills
  4. Work remotely and stay a step ahead of the competition
  5. Write a book
  6. Open a new blog

Enrol on a new course to up your skills

There is a countless number of websites providing quality learning solutions. A simple google search brings a list of great free resources. Top on the list is which provides lots of free courses. Then,, and, and MIT free online courses.

For your children, has everything you need. has several courses for professionals in the humanitarian field. You will learn a lot online all free of charge. Today, you can find any course for free on most of the topics of your interest. All you have to consider is the quality of the trainers. Curated courses or online studies by an established institution have more value in terms of quality of delivery than any other materials. I recommend you consider Harvard or MIT courses, which you can also find on and e-learning platforms.

Load data and enrol in a course. You could learn about business intelligence or how to write a book. Whatever you seek, you shall find.

Additionally, you could download and read several free e-books available online of all genres. To join my book reading forum, click here,

Work remotely

If you own a laptop or a computer at home, now is the time to make the most out of it.

Catch up with work backlog. Review the corporate strategy. Get in touch with your customers virtually by sharing value-adding insights.

Establish a routine for a remote working policy.

Save for the few technical people, you don’t have to have access to your office to perform work. Many organizations already have cloud-based applications, which can easily be accessed with anyone with the internet. In case you don’t have a cloud-based system, consider your work backlog and do something.

Write a book

In this era of Amazon Kindle and Audible, you too can self publish. I have so far published two books. My first book came out in 2014. Today I was elated when a friend called to thank me for the book, which I titled, “Your Three Keys to A Worry-Free Life.” The book provides insights to help you win.

Publishing is great as it positions you as a subject matter expert in your chosen field. If you are a defence lawyer, now is the time to start writing your first legal thriller. If you are a teacher, there is no reason you cannot start writing notes and make them available as an ebook via your school website.

My second book was published in 2019. Its focus on winning at the board level. The book is titled, “7 Tools of An Effective Board Member. How to Get on the Board and Be a Fantastic Director.”

The book is currently flying off the Aristoc bookshelf and Amazon. I encourage you to grab a copy and read it during this tough period.

You could start writing about your family. Remember, you have a lot in your mind. If you need help with writing a book, contact me via inbox or comment at the bottom of this article.

Start blogging

Now is the time to write something on your mind. Many people just post their thoughts on social networks in which case they help drive traffic to such sites without any rewards to themselves.

In addition to increasing your online following which you could late monetize, remember those connections are ‘owned’ by Facebook or LinkedIn and anytime they could block you from your account! The best way to write a blog and share short text on your social media profile as you redirect your following to click on a link that leads to your own managed website or blog.

That way you increase traffic to your site which allows you to see other services.

It is never too late to do the right thing. Start now.

You could also record a video or an audio daily about what you are good at. And share.

Do not hear any negative voices. You will be discouraged. Just be consistent and keep posting.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.

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