How to add value instantly

How do you add value instantly in any business you are operating in? The best way to add value is to identify the unoccupied

How do you add value instantly in any business you are operating in? The best way to add value is to identify the unoccupied space and occupy it. When I was looking for a job at one of the audit firms, I didn’t wait when the jobs were being advertised in the papers because sometimes they are not advertised.

But also, I have come to understand that when organizations need people, they rarely advertise. For the clients I have handled ranging from telecoms, authorities, banks, and NGOs tell me they are just waiting for a brilliant person who can come and fix their pains.


I encourage you to always look out for the unoccupied space. Be the person occupying that space. Once you occupy it, deserve it. Gain the skills to keep the space.


Executives are always looking for great talent. Never wait for an internal advert for a promotion. Opportunities are always there. What you need is keep your eyes and ears on the ground. Keep around the spaces of your boss to ensure that you are the one filling the unoccupied space.

How do you do that? You could share a power point presentation of solutions to the most pressing issues in the organization. Give it your boss so that they own them so that when you are not there, the ladder is be off. They will always look for you.

I encourage you to always look out for the unoccupied space. Be the person occupying that space. Once you occupy it, deserve it. Gain the skills to keep the space.

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