The first step in implementing effective risk management (fraud risk and cybersecurity risk) program is context analysis to establish the current state against the best practice or aspiration levels. Which level is our organisation’s risk maturity? What gaps should our risk management agenda close? What will it take to close the gaps? How ready is our organisation for fraud and cyber risk management? Is your risk management agenda progressive? Many risk and anti-fraud professionals just recommend the implementation of fraud risk management programs without readiness assessment and an understanding of the current state. In this TUNA – turbulent, uncertain, novel,…
The future belongs to actionTEAM, the tool for effective collaborators
When people and devices are connected seamlessly, they achieve great things. People who work as lone wolves may achieve success, but it may not be to their full potential. There is power in collaboration. That is why at Summit Consulting Ltd we asked: 1) How do you create accountability for effective strategy execution? 2) As a busy executive, how do you monitor progress against the set (balanced) scorecard targets company-wide? 3) How do you empower each of your over 50+ staff to have clarity of their roles in the journey of business growth? How do you improve staff effectiveness and…
Nothing happens to you; it happens because of you part 3
The third D is DELIVER and think as the owner of the business. The owner of the business is concerned about the big picture. How to create and sustain value. How to attract and retain top talent. How to finance growth. How to find future leaders to continue the legacy. How to scale? How to anticipate challenges and manage them, etc The owner is always on the lookout for outliers. People who take responsibility as explained in the second D by going the extra mile. Those are the folks passionate about the company and what they do. The owner of…
Nothing happens to you, it happens because of you, part 2, first D
Winners DEPLOY the four magic words subconsciously. “I need help. I was wrong. I am sorry and How may I help you today?” The first D means Deploy the winners magic words. Let us start with “I need help.” These are the three words of high achievers. When you say, “I need help”, you recognise that you work with people. Start by defining the areas of your life that need help. How integrated into your wheel of life? Listing 6 to 8 key areas of your life that are critical to you. Career and skills development Money Health Family and…
Nothing happens to you. It happens because of you, part 2
The second D is to DO MORE than expected. Go the extra mile. A story is said that in 1908, Napoleon Hill Interviewed Andrew Carnegie, one of the most successful people in the history of the United States. He asked him “why do you pay your employees small salaries and yet you earn a lot from the business, on their sweat?” What do you think was the response by Andrew Carnegie? He said: “Whatever I earn, I invest it back into the business, to expand it and recruit more people so that they too have employment opportunities to win. Many…
The pandemic is a tightening noose
The period since March 2020 has not been an easy sail for majority of the people. Surviving before the pandemic was already hard. When the world was put under lockdown, the situation worsened. What started as a joke suddenly became a game-changer. When the Coronavirus was declared a global pandemic, some people did not take it seriously because they had heard that the virus originated from Wuhan China. Before you travel to China, one tends to believe the news they have always received that the country is a copycat capital of the world and that many things from there are…