People can make or break a company. One of the leading causes of internal dysfunction is by folks with a bad attitude. People with a glass full of negative attitude can corrupt the entire team and cause total dysfunction. In many companies, the problem is not a lack of strategy. It is the poor execution of the strategy due to a noncollaborative team that causes poor execution. When you examine the business carefully, you notice a laidback attitude by the top and middle managers, which affects the entire team. If a manager complains to his team that she or he…
The best of WhatsApp: Trust and Integrity for social transformation
By Dr Drew Ddembe An old wise friend, a man who loved Uganda once told me when I told him I wished to return tos Uganda surprised me by suggesting I shouldn’t be in a hurry. This man, a foreigner who lived in Uganda for 2 decades before getting booted out by idi amin, loved Uganda more than many Ugandans! First build yourself, he said … then you will be in a position to help others! If you don’t build yourself first you will be of little use to the people you want to help! I belong to a handful…
Today is Friday! Are you enjoying the day?
2020 has been stressful. We cannot wait to celebrate the new year 2021. We hope a vaccine for Coronavirus will be found next year. Since 2020 is still here, you have a reason to find time and practice relaxation techniques. Try to save time at every opportunity to sit and reflect. The best time is usually before going to bed. Plan to use 5 – 10 minutes of intensive breathing in and out, while holding your breath for each cycle for at least 30 seconds. If you can do that, you practice your lungs to be strong. Whereas listening to…
Make time for what matters: productivity hack, part 1
We all have 24 hours a day, of which you are recommended to spend at least 8 hours sleeping and another 8 hours relaxing with friends and family. That means you have 8 hours dedicated to working. As they say, much as Politicians earn a lot of money and respect, they are the poorest folks because they spend a lot of their life working. True wealth is having a lot of discretionary time, doing things you want to do when you want to do them. If you have to do certain roles to keep your job or win in your…
Here is how to delight a great consultant
A good consultant is like a surgeon, they will complete the job even if it requires more effort and time without asking for a fee increase. That is the difference passion makes. Imagine a surgeon, mid-way the surgery operation notices a new complication beyond the earlier diagnosis, that requires more time and procedures for the improved health of the patient? Do you fix the new issue, or you just leave it unattended? Of course! A great doctor does the right thing – fix the issue if it must be fixed. The satisfaction comes when the patient is up and running…
Data as a strategic resource: are you harnessing it?
The Institute of Banking and Financial Services of Uganda conducted an educative webinar on the contemporary topic of the use of Big Data, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Services Sector. The event took place on 20th October 2020 from 12 pm to 2 pm. As one of the panellists, I shared insights on how to harness data as a strategic resource. I had prepared a presentation explaining the basics of data analysis and application to the banking sector, which I did not get an opportunity to present. To download the PPT, here. Below is an extract of the…