Health Talk: Today Topic is Take Care of Yourself: Please you have one life to live 1. The STOMACH is injured when you do not have breakfast in the morning. 2. The KIDNEYS are injured when you do not even drink 10 glasses of water in 24 hours. 3. The GALLBLADDER is injured when you do not even sleep until 11 o’clock and do not wake up to the sunrise. 4. The SMALL INTESTINE is injured when you eat cold and stale food. 5. The LARGE INTESTINES are injured when you eat more fried and spicy food. 6. The LUNGS…
Here is how to be safe online
There are so many challenges you could easily forget about cybersecurity. However, with most children now studying online, they are inevitably exposed to cyber risks ranging from online predators to cyber bullying and impersonation. We are now in a time that has posed a concern for cybersecurity more than ever before. The top six cyber threats are children, parents, and homes exposed to doing virtual learning. 1. Phishing email messages are designed to try to get learners to share their personal information without realizing it. In many cases, the scammer will use the student’s identity to access their information and…
Too much death in December 2020: Go away Coronavirus!
I have received a lot of bad news in the last two weeks, that I am becoming dizzy. The year 2020 is ending on a very bad note. The news of the passing of close friends is increasing by the day. This is so bad as we move closer to the Christmas week, usually of celebrations. I grew up in a Christian home, and have fond memories of the festivities in December, which peak on the 25th as we go to Church to celebrate Christmas Day when the Lord Jesus Christ was born. In the week of December, we would…
Here is how to identify and tap into the opportunities available
It is that time of the year companies and individuals are going back to the drawing table to review their strategies and set a new agenda or revise the old one. We cannot wait for 2020 to end. This year has been defined by the Coronavirus pandemic and given naysayers and cynical people have got a blanket excuse for their poor performance. Part of your strategic planning process must identify opportunities present in the market. I use the following tool to help identify opportunities. Whether you are drawing a personal strategy or an enterprise one, you will find the following…
Transform your career with great investigation tools
Are you a victim of fraud? Are you working too hard and cannot see where the money goes? Are you an auditor or fraud investigator who would like to know how to collect water-tight evidence so that you become a darling of the prosecution and or your company team? Find the summit investigation Tool 1.11: summitINVESTIGATE Whether you are a subject of an investigation or just staff who is at a company where fraud has taken place, you deserve to get peace of mind. summitINVESTIGATE helps you get all the facts so that you know the truth. In business, acting…
“Our vision is health care” Is a wrong vision! Here is a good one
You cannot create team commitment with a wrong vision. Days of defining visions as “where we want to go” in a way that “you cannot reach there” but you continue working and working trying to get there, are long gone. Most of these management terms and practices were coined during the first to second industrial revolutions which were characterized by poor technology and slow pace of change, as human Labour was at the center stage of production. Today, technology and innovation is the winner. The phases of industrial revolutions have been driven by technological advancements to match the ever-increasing pace…