Are you driving in the rear view mirror?

If you drive a car or use a taxi, you have seen the driver looking through the main driving screen and the side view

If you drive a car or use a taxi, you have seen the driver looking through the main driving screen and the side view mirrors. When the driver looks in the rear view mirror, he is taking note of what is coming from behind. When the driver looks through the main driving mirror, he is looking ahead of the road – to where she or he is heading.

To avoid accidents, the driver needs both mirrors? However, which of the two should the driver spend a lot of time looking through — the front driving mirror or the rear view mirror?

To reduce chances of accidents, do you look ahead or backwards? Much as the rear view mirrors are important, the driver spends most of the time driving through the main mirror. It is only at certain points when they want to turn or change lines that they look in the rear view mirrors to see what is behind. Drivers make use of the rear view when there is a decision needed to be taken. However, for most of the time during the journey, they are looking ahead.


Remember life is about thinking about the future. This is where you are going to spend most of your life and time.


The same thing happens to your life. How much of your time do you spend looking ahead,or thinking about your future? Even something that is very good putting it into context, looking at the people or the pillars whose success can be easily identified and try to implement the behaviors they have so that you improve your life significantly.

How much of your time do you take thinking about your past? How you have been suffering, where you come from, why things can’t work,and how many neighbors are saying you can’t succeed?

Life is about the kind of choice you are going to focus on.Are you going to focus on the main mirror or on the rear view road? The more you focus on the rear view road, the more chances of you stagnating. As you make choices, make a habit of prioritizing top three things you are going to do to move ahead.

Remember life is about thinking about the future. This is where you are going to spend most of your life and time.

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