Good attitude always wins

If you own a car, you have probably been advised to move with the battery jumper cables. When you ask why they usually say,

If you own a car, you have probably been advised to move with the battery jumper cables. When you ask why they usually say, “just in case.”

In 2016, while traveling to Jinja, an 80-kilometer journey, I parked at a trading center and took time off to enjoy nature. When you travel by private means, you can afford such luxuries along the way.

After about three hours of sightseeing and relaxation, I returned to my car. The battery could not start. I decided to stand by the roadside for a good Samaritan to come to my rescue. Fortunately, many cars would stop, but they had no way of helping me. Whenever I said, I have a battery problem, I need your help, they would ask, “bring out the jumpers”, which I did not have!

After spending another two hours, I finally got helped. Someone had battery jumpers in his car boot! That is when I understand what “just in case” means.  You have to stay ready. You cannot get ready. The car battery can malfunction anytime. You must make it easy for the passersby to help you. If I had the jumpers in my car, I would not have wasted over 2 hours of hopelessness on the road.

What the jumper cables are to your car, a good attitude is to your career.

If you want to go to a place, succeed, and get all those promotions, fix your attitude. This is the most expensive asset you may have. Because a good attitude always wins. For this reason, I respect all the Presidential Candidates who were successfully nominated.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.

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