Government in Ugx30 billion to revive the health system

The government has signed a Ugx30 billion deal with CareRight HealthCare, a consortium of foreign investors, tasked to start reforms which will help fix

The government has signed a Ugx30 billion deal with CareRight HealthCare, a consortium of foreign investors, tasked to start reforms which will help fix the so called ‘sick’ healthcare sector in the country.

Officials from the Ministry of finance reveal that, more focus is being on how to reduce the high health costs, make services accessible to people which make it easy for the government to deal with the major killer diseases like breast cancer, malaria and HIV/AIDS.

Under the memorandum of understanding, CareRight HealthCare would provide support in scaling up localized programmes focused on improving the health of women and children through its selected portfolio of products suited to low resources settings. The deal will see introduction of handheld ultrasound product (VScan) into the Uganda’s Healthcare system. The move is part of an initiative by government to reduce maternal and neonatal and infant deaths.

The VScan houses ultra-smart ultrasound technology that provides doctors with immediate non-in-vasive methods to help secure visual information about what is happening inside the human body.

The chief executive director of CareRight said the project will see more focus on training and capacity building, by partnering with local experts to implement a comprehensive capacity building and performance solutions training program which includes ultrasound techniques.

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