Spend a few minutes and assess how to make your relationships magnetic, using the relationship accelerator test. Before you take the test, read some context and how we dis Ssenga training to some MTN Uganda staff, the results of the experience.
I am called Mustapha B Mugisa fondly known as Mr Strategy. I help leaders transform their businesses through facilitating strategy formulation and supporting execution.
During the strategy implementation, I work as an accountability partner to the chief executive officer, the EXCO and the respective managers and staff to ensure that each has the clarity of the company’s strategic choice, market niche or segments, and channels. And the short-term targets to monitor progress in the right direction.
I have worked with leaders of large companies as well as those of small companies. I have discovered one thing: it does not matter how much resources you or a company has if the team is not organized and focused on a common agenda or has the clarity of the direction. How to use the tools and resources presence, they cannot win. As a one Sharma once said (see Figure 1), “it does not matter how many resources you may have, if you do not know how to use them, they will never be enough.”

The people agenda is very critical when it comes to winning in business and life. You don’t just need many employees. It would be best if you had quality employees—happy and motivated people.
The measure of a fantastic strategy is the ease in its implementation. For great results, people must be motivated and happy. However, it isn’t easy to get people comfortable with their work if they are not satisfied at home. And that is how this relationship accelerator comes in to help improve staff morale through happy relationships. Transform their love lives and make a noticeable impact at your place of work.
A case in point
Around 2016, Summit Consulting Ltd was engaged by MTN Uganda to conduct fraud prevention training. We did a pre-training survey and noticed that MTN Uganda had established some of the best internal control processes adequate to reduce opportunities for fraud.
Feedback survey indicated the need for personal financial resilience training covering family finances, relationships, and the integrity of living within one’s means. That is how we started the Odd Couple, to not only talk to staff about personal finances, but also intimate relationships.
And boy, the Ssenga talk to corporate staff was a hit. My Odd Couple partner, corporate Ssenga, Edith and I, Mr Strategy, offered insights about happy relationships, personal and family finances in order. It worked. To date, I continue to receive thank you notes from current and former MTN Uganda staff who attended our training about how transformative me made their lives. The Ssenga session was so popular that over 20 staff continued privately engaging with us for on-going personal finance and relationship guidance. That how good the Ssenga is!
In these COVID-19 times, every person needs this kind of training. But you may not be privileged like most MTN Uganda staff to have us speak to you. That is why I developed this simple love test, to evaluate your love life and see where you stand and what you need to do to close any gaps.
Are you happy in your current relationship?
Whether you are not yet wedded, newly-wed, or been married for long, you can improve the quality of your love life. This tool will help you discover secrets to ignite a spark in your relationships for the better. Say no more to cold responses. Get your partner thinking about you again and again.
Take the test now >>
To take a personal or family finance test, comment below and I will share the link. Please take the test and inbox privately so I may connect you to the Odd Couple Ssenga. We can speak to you and your partner so that you take your love life to the new levels.
No relationship is too good to be great.
Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.