Mustapha on Character

Photograph develops in darkness. So is character. It also develops in darkness. Your challenges. Fears. Worries. Disappointments and problems are the darkness. You build

Photograph develops in darkness. So is character. It also develops in darkness.

Your challenges. Fears. Worries. Disappointments and problems are the darkness.

You build character when you confront challenges and disappointments. People who are used to an easy life of no worries and difficulties tend to lack strong character.

However, folks who have been used to a tough life of hassling tend to build a strong character. For example, people in a war zone tend to toughen up to survive. They stop being scared of small things. Imagine witnessing a friend or neighbour die from a gunshot just in front of you! If you have a gun nearby you will pick it and learn on your won how to use it just for personal protection. Its such incidents of extreme life challenges and difficulties that harden the hearts and condition the brain to react accordingly. That builds character.

Of course, you don’t need to live in a warzone to experience tough character. You just need a series of challenges in your life. And that is where parenting plays a critical role. Are you challenged to do chores? Take on tough projects and challenges? The more challenges you are exposed to, the higher chances you have to build a strong character.

if you have no problems or challenges or people readily come to your aid out of a problem, you may lack the opportunity to build character. You need to try to create challenges and confront them. At least to help build your character.

#character #leadership

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2021. All rights reserved.

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