Starting with a bigger picture

WHEN I WAS APPOINTED to lead a digital transformation project at a major financial institution, I could not anticipate what was in store. In

WHEN I WAS APPOINTED to lead a digital transformation project at a major financial institution, I could not anticipate what was in store. In consulting, there is a common mantra, “you learn more by doing what you have never done.”

I had been informed the project was already six months behind schedule. This made it even more challenging and therefore attractive for me. I saw it as an opportunity to learn as well as up my CV. With a team of 15 people already in place, costs were increasing by the day. As an expert, I was brought on board to add value. To get the project completed and operationalized.

So, how do you lead a team of 15 people to a common agenda?

I requested for a meeting with my boss – the overall top honcho. The meeting agenda was simple: how will you evaluate work well done?

“100 clients enrolled in our online banking as evidenced by the new transactions within the first two weeks of launching.”

This was very clear: he did not say an online platform up and running or such similar political statements common in job descriptions which never hold people accountable for quality execution. He focused on the outcomes of a successful implemented digital agenda.

To be continued…

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.

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