Are you are a leader? Do you aspire to become a great leader? Embrace the following 10 habits of great leaders:
- Great team. Great leaders hire the best team. Having a great team of smart leaders should be every leader’s focus. This means to win, never again delegate recruitment of your top managers to an external entity or a single department
- Focus on the big problems. If you keep finding small problems, you will offer small solutions. Invest in research and market intelligence to find challenges and problems that affect the community. Today, Coronavirus is a big global problem. If you can find a vaccine for it, that is a great solution!
- Focusing on opportunities and successes. It is good to take the time to review the mistake. But it is deadly and bad practice to dwell on mistakes and failures. A child who learns to drive a bicycle falls several times. The secret is therefore not in giving up, but always trying to improve and do better.
- Working for the goal, not the boss. Some people work for their boss. Such people make several mistakes because they focus on protecting the boss and doing to his or her whims which in most cases could be selfish. Focus on the bigger picture – the vision, mission, and goals. What is the goal? What is your role in the journey? Focus on the goal and you will surely progress.
- Know the customer well and their interests. Many times, I am called to help facilitate the strategic planning process, my first question is: who are the top customers and how have you sought their input in your next planning process? To win, you must focus on the customer. What do they want and how to win over them better than any competitor? When you focus on the customer, your business success is guaranteed.
To be continued.
Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.
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