To win with leaders, clarify the expected outcomes

You have been engaged as a consultant to lead a transformation project, where do you start and how do you give confidence to the

You have been engaged as a consultant to lead a transformation project, where do you start and how do you give confidence to the client that the project will be delivered as planned?

The starting point is to define and confirm the project outcomes. You want each outcome to be precisely defined in terms of measurable indicators. For a marketing intervention, instead of writing increase sales, it is better to write “grow sales from the current US $40m to the US $50 million after the project.” That way, you can break down the project and ask the right questions. For example, as a consultant you will ask the team, where do we play in terms of customer segment we target, the products or services we sell to them, the channels we use to deliver, and the geographical coverage.

As you answer those questions, you will naturally ask what is the best way to generate the US $50m? Which business model? Franchising? Subscription? Or direct sales through your channels? Which model is scalable? Can the current channels handle the sales volume, or you will need to expand? Is the size of the current market large enough to grow the revenue? How can you transform sales and generate more?

If you want to win with any leader, spend a lot of time defining the end game. When the destination is clear, you can think clearly about the route to take based on your capabilities present. The challenge is trying to work towards the end that no one understands. It is a self-defeating endeavor and you cannot win well.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.

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