What makes a fantastic board member?

Are you a board member or an aspiring one? You have been appointed on the board. What exactly is your role? How will your

Are you a board member or an aspiring one?

You have been appointed on the board. What exactly is your role? How will your impact be measured? What are your do’s and don’ts as a board member?

A board appointment attracts a long appointment letter with several generalities. To be a fantastic board member, you must master the tools of an effective board member and behave in a different way. You must answer the following questions:

  • How do I add value to the business to stay informed about all emerging risks and new developments without interfering in the day to day running of the business (eyes on)?
  • How do I create an environment of focus on results, accountability, and commitment without stepping in to do the work or to show the executive what to do (hands-off)?

In the ‘How To Get On The Board …And Be A Fantastic Director’, Mustapha B Mugisa provides answers to these and more challenges often experienced by board members – whether new or seasoned. The book is packed with practical insights and leadership tools to transform your governance to the new level.

Find sample board scorecard, strategic board Agenda, board resolutions template, sample board evaluation tool, sample board papers and list of documents every new board member must ask for and review in order to understand the organization.

Buy the book, How To Get On The Board, here.

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