It has been reported that Sanyu FM radio station did the unthinkable: it fired all the staff who laid down their tools following a 25% pay cut as a covid19 survival strategy. When your employer is a Forbes listed mogul, it is easy to forget that actual income may fall short of budget. Every employer wants to work with staff who think like the business owner. Unfortunately, most people have different expectations that are not in sync with reality. Many staff may think the company is making a lot of profits, yet in reality, it is making losses. It is…
Wise sayings: the expressive language you must know
Politics is around the corner. I decided to search all my sources for all the wisdom I have learned over the years. If you want to speak to influence and be heard, below are some of the best figurative words to consider adding to your speeches to spice them up. Remember for originality, and to be unique, try first converting them into your local dialect, and then express them in English. You will keep your audience wanting to listen to you for long. That means you will look intelligent and therefore, more votes for you. Ok, here we go: 1.…
Homily for Wednesday, Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 18:20-39 Mt 5:17-19 In the gospel reading, Jesus the Jew shows himself to be respectful of his own Jewish tradition, ‘don’t imagine that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets’. However, he also declares that he has come to complete the Law and the Prophets, to bring their true intention to fulfilment. Jesus valued the good in his tradition but was also open to the ways that God was working to enrich that tradition. We too are called to value the good in our own tradition, but also to critique the shadow side to that…
Homily for the Feast of Saint Barnabas, Apostle
Barnabas does not feature in the gospels but he is a significant figure in the Acts of the Apostles, Luke’s story of the early years of the church. He was originally a leading member of the church in Jerusalem. According to this morning’s first reading, he was instrumental in encouraging a new development that took place in the city of Antioch, where the gospel was preached to pagans for the first time. He clearly saw the hand of the Lord in this new phenomenon. According to our reading, Barnabas encouraged Saul or Paul to leave the church in Tarsus, Paul’s…