Twaha Baguma is 25 years old. At this age, he has already experienced a lot. He speaks with nostalgia and tells stories of life’s struggles and places like a 75-year-old diplomat, who made a career traversing the world! His world has been visiting all villages in Uganda. He knows Moroto town in Karamoja, the way he knows Bushenyi district and Gulu. He knows the biting poverty and the few people who have it all. Some of the achievements he is proud of are; The father of one boy, aged four years. Uganda Certificate of Education. a driving permit, Class B,…
The chief village black magician
Solar is a game-changer. Our mother in the village told me about how local thieves have made her life difficult. They wait for the dark cloud and come to steal. Now all cassava and matooke in the nearby garden at home are gone. They thought for our assistance. We thought of an idea. What if we light up the place at night? Maybe the thieves could fear. When you are a strategist, you keep getting so many ideas until you get that aha moment. So when my wife mentioned about motion sensor lights, it came like a spark. I said…