When you work as a consultant you gain exposure to so many companies and their internal practices. Many, if not all, of the things we see or come across, we keep quiet. Like Doctors, the stock in trade of consultants is confidentiality. Keeping one’s mouth shut and hands lazy from typing is the best source of reputation. But some practices are out of this world that you cannot just let them pass. After all, they cut across the industry and one would do a great difference by sharing lessons with other leaders using pseudonyms. That is what makes us…
Action makes all the difference
“Hope is not a strategy.” Vince Lombardi A story is told of the man who was fond of going early morning to Church to pray for wealth. He made praying to God like an occupation. The first one in the Church, and the last to leave. He would go to Church, from Monday to Sunday. Prayer is not enough without action. And action is useless in the wrong direction. And the action in the right direction is not enough without hope, which comes from prayer. Study carefully the figures below: Which of the two players is likely to win at…
What is your winning choice?
“Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it’s about deliberately choosing to be different.” Michael Porter Many leaders want to keep their options open. Because they want to avoid accountability. Keeping one’s options open is not prudent leadership, it is an indication of a lack of confidence in the decision-making processes. Keeping your options open means more resource commitment, trial and error, and limited focus. It is not easy to win when you do so many things at the same time. However, do not confuse choice with identifying a specific sector or business and going a mile deep into the business…