Galihuuma was the University of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom during the reign of Omukama Cwa II Kabaleega and his immediate predecessors. It was located at Butiti Hill (present-day Butiti Primary Teachers College) in then Mwenge County (present-day Kyenjojo District), the traditional cultural centre of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom (before this “Lost County” was incorporated into Tooro Kingdom in 1901 whose Omukama Kasagama Captain Frederick Lugard – nicknamed “Kapere” by the Banyakitara – reinstated in 1891. Galihuuma University existed before the advent of European influence in the Great Lakes region (read Bunyoro-Kitara Empire). Kabaleega and his siblings, among others, were graduates of this august instution.…
Mr Strategy’s Talk On “Ethics, Integrity, & Professionalism In The Technological Era” At The East African Banking School Conference
Mustapha B Mugisa, aka Mr Strategy was honoured to speak at the 2024 East African Banking Schools Conference jointly organized by the Banking Institute’s of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Due to demand, we share excerts from his speech, verbatim. “How many of you have connected to the Internet this morning? Now, how many of you used WiFi to connect? And how many of you used the hotel WiFi?” “Many of you, I see. Do you know that when you connect via someone else’s WiFi, especially public networks like in hotels, cafes, or airports, you potentially expose yourself to significant risks?…
Attack vector 1: Phishing Attack
Bank of Uganda issued cybersecurity guidelines for supervised financial institutions (SFIs) that came into effect on 1st July 2024. In preparation to the launch of Summit Consulting Ltd’s Project Frontline 2024 that details the state of cybersecurity in Uganda, we will be publishing common methods and schemes hackers use to gain unauthorised access and compromise your security (confidentiality, integrity and availability of data) on a daily basis. If you use any digital device to access the Internet, take time to educate yourself. You will learn how hackers can break into any system and how you could easily become a victim of…
Value for money
Who in their right mind would spend over a billion Ugandan shillings on land just to hold? Someone called me saying, “I have a building in Hoima City I told him I wasn’t interested and added that I don’t have that kind of money to tie up in a building where even the best tenant can’t pay UGX 5 million net monthly. He then asked if I knew anyone who might need such a building, and I told him no. “Only folks who deal in real estate, buying and selling, should be approached, or those who don’t understand the value…
Beware, People Have Gone Mental
Last Saturday, I took my 4-year-old son to a nearby field to play football. A stranger joined us, being overly friendly to my son, cheering him on, giving him the ball, and encouraging him to score. He seemed like a decent person. But things took a turn. When he started trying to pick my son up and fly him through the air, I told him, “That’s not football.” He slowed down, but then he started asking questions about me, trying to get to know who I am. Eventually, he got my phone number. After disappearing for 5-8 minutes, he returned,…
Happy Feast Day of St Barnabas
Today is the feast of St. Barnabas ( son of encouragement) – he is not only remembered for his missionary zeal but for his openness as well. For he was a good man, filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith (Acts 11:21-26;13:1-3). While others were scared of Paul because they judged him as a bad person who later became a Christian, Barnabas saw in Paul a good man who had a bad past. And, Barnabas and St. Paul undertook missionary journeys together and defended Gentile converts against a faction which insisted on circumcision. No matter how good we are, we…