After Coronavirus exposed the vulnerability of a non-exercising body, I decided to run/walk/jog at least 5 km a day, five days a week as a 2021 resolution. For the last 10 months, I managed to keep my resolution. When you do something consistently it becomes your habit and part of your subconscious. You find yourself doing it. However, in the first week of November 2021, I became so busy to keep up with my daily habit. My body could not take it on Friday. I had a full-day meeting lined up, and another 8am physical meeting. Which I attended. For the full-day…
#mindspark: How to get ahead easily
Mom called that one of her friends in the village want me to bring his 23-year-old son to Kampala. I said great. Please invite your friend and his son, put on speakerphone and I talk to them. Me: Thanks for thinking big. For wanting to come to Kampala, the place where the best in the country come. Father: You are welcome. Thanks for calling. My son saw the progress you have made and asked me to contact you through Adyeeri, your mother. Me: Fantastic. Since schools resume in January 2022. I want your son to start working at my farm…
Attend the Uganda Banking Sector Report 2021 Launch on 28th October 2021 at 11am
Thanks for completing the Board remuneration survey and for earning a front seat at the virtual launch of the Uganda Banking Analysis report 2021, the summitBANKING21. You will get a copy of the PPT in PDF after the presentation. Take note of the following details: Zoom ID and passcode to access the live event. Zoom meeting ID: 884 5668 8089Meeting Passcode: summit21 Event details: Date: Thursday, 28th October 2021Start time: 11:00am sharpEnd time: 1:00pm. Agenda: 1) Message from one of our partners, ICGU/ICPAU.2) Survey report: Board Remuneration Survey 20213) Uganda Banking Report 2021 presentation4) Question and Answers5) summitBANKING21 report launch,…
Fraud diamond vs fraud triangle
A criminologist, Donald R. Cressey, coined the Fraud Triangle (2). It describes the three main causes fraud and corruption. In any organisation, 2 out of every 3 people will commit fraud if all the three conditions are present i.e. they have pressure (incentive or motive), opportunity (absence of controls) and rationalization (justification for wrongdoing). It is a human condition to want to get rich quick, leave beyond our means, show appearances, want to live in a house costing a monthly rent of Ugx 500,000 when our monthly salary is just Ugx. 600,000! Sometimes it is due to peer pressure or just…
The fraud starts and stops with you
The Black’s Law Dictionary defines fraud as a knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment. According to the ACFE, “fraud is the intentional misrepresentation of a material fact, to cause again to one party and a loss to another party.” From this we see the elements of fraud: (1) Intent (You are of sound mind. Know the right thing to do in the circumstances). (2) Misrepresentation (you tell lies knowingly i.e., misleading statement of fact). (3) For personal or friend’s benefit. (4) At the loss or…
Why pay annual fees to international professional bodies?
With a heavy heart, today I paid over the US $120 fees to an international professional body as an annual membership fee. Why pay all that money during these tough pandemic times, you may ask. And you are right to ask. I find this kind of annual payment some form of fraud. In the past, I would ‘waste’ such money on over seven professional bodies. I scaled it to two of which one is for the local professional body, as membership is critical to developing the local professionals in our country. This I pay with one heart. The country needs…