Every Monday morning at Summit Consulting Ltd a staff makes a presentation about a topic we chose in advance at the previous meeting. On 24th August 2020, Bruno Mwebaze presented to the team about the power of a dress code. He made a nice talk. Below are summary notes about the talk. Enjoy. “I will never forget the 16th of June 2019 when I missed the opportunity to meet the President of the Republic of Uganda because of my dress code. At the time I was at University, The State House had a program of engaging with the youth to…
Great leaders ask great questions
It is difficult to learn the art of listening without mastering the art of asking brilliant questions. During tough times like these of coronavirus, managers and leaders alike must ask great questions that seek to understand the context and perspective in which the business operations. Context looks at the internal dynamics. Perspectives provide external developments and implications for the business. What is your take? If you had one message to future leaders of Uganda what would it be? What will leaders need to do to address the country’s challenges? What is it that you want to be remembered for as…
Are you still afraid?
The Banyoro say that “when you enter the forest, you don’t get concerned about all the noise you hear”. Before you set off on the journey through the forest, you are expected to have researched and gathered information to know there is always noise. You must prepare for it. Gain the ability to separate normal noise from warning noise and dangerous noise. The same thing is true for all political aspirants. When you vie for any leadership position, you must be ready to do mobilization at any cost. And that comes with threats and frustrations. Prepare for any noise that…
How to parent teens in the era of coronavirus
“How do you parent a teenager?” A man on the other side of the call, said, even before introducing himself. “Who is this”, I asked. “This is your friend on your Facebook page. Do I have to introduce myself to seek your advice? I need your help. I am finding it difficult to parent my girl who is just turning 16 years. She is slowly becoming a monster. She does not listen. She is full of herself. Very lazy. And the only time I see her smile is when I tell her ‘I am going to town, be a good…
Homily for Friday, Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time
Ez 37:1-14 Mt 22:34-40 The question that is put to Jesus in this morning’s gospel reading – ‘Which is the greatest commandment of the Law?’ – was with a view to disconcerting him. Jesus was being put to the test. Yet, in spite of the questionable motivation behind the question, Jesus took the question seriously and gave his questioners and all of us an answer that is worth pondering. Although he was asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus’ answer put two commandments side by side. The first commandment was the core of the prayer recited by observant Jews several times…
Where else have you implemented this project?
If you have visited many board rooms as I have done, you have probably been asked this question several times that you may have lost count. Not me. I always take note of all rejections and assess why. I then take time to consider common objections and ideal responses. In these #COVID19 times, you have to think away from the box to win. Businesses are struggling and the none-resilient ones are closing shop. Many people are losing their jobs. The law of the jungle has never been real than it is today. The big and shrewd animals are having the…