Uganda has many enterprising people, but few successful businesses. Why? If anything explains the high poverty levels in many parts of the country, it is not an unwillingness to work hard—most Ugandans still sweat to survive. Nor is it because of a lack of enterprise and optimism: on the permanently traffic-jammed streets of Kampala, the country’s main commercial city, hawkers gingerly ease their way between cars trying to sell almost anything from snacks to books, car parts, carpets, shoes, and even toilet paper. They do the right things – wake up early. Work 365 days a year. Do your best.…
The #covid19 recovery and response strategy insights
Running a business during these coronavirus times is like driving a car at night in heavy rains on a road without road marks. The journey becomes so uncertain and frustrating. Other drivers may choose to park and wait. Others take calculated risks. While others turn on the driver-assist computer in the car for night vision and they continue driving steadily. This is what is happening. The times are uncertain and ambiguous. There is just too much information on the Internet about the pandemic that the only best thing is to focus on living and surviving that worrying about what is…
A holiday within a holiday, #covid19 rising in Uganda, as IMF approves loan…
Kampala – 7th May 2020. Around this time of the year, schools break-off for holidays. Uganda, like the rest of the world, normally requires all primary, secondary, technical/schools, and polytechnics to observe the school holidays (Table 1). During holidays, students break off from school to be with family and friends and learn from their parents. The Ministry of Education and Sports of Uganda had planned the first term holidays to start on 2nd May 2020. So, we are now having holidays within the holidays since students were sent home earlier. Table 1 indicates the school holidays that had been planned.…
UBA Uganda changes strategy becomes profitable…
Transparency is the best business. And no one can talk about good governance without transparency. To this end, banks in Uganda are required to publish their audited financial statements within four months after the end of the financial year i.e. by 30th April of the following year. Detailed publication of the key information about the performance of the business over the past 12 months and the statement of the financial position as at the year-end helps stakeholders make informed decisions. During quarter one of 2020, many banks published their audited financial statements in compliance with the regulatory provisions. Some banks…
What makes a great team member?
Performance is the number one quality that separates the average staff from an exceptional one. It does not matter the economic times or conditions; all leaders will hold on to their exceptional staff. The role of any leader is to attract the best staff to join his or her team. And once they join, to keep them, as s/he lets the average or non-performers to go. The primary role of the leader is to set the vision and find the right team to deliver it. Anyone who does not fit is identified and removed. Like a tree, new leaves come,…
Towards team cohesion: effective communication PPT slide deck
If trust is the glue that keeps teams together, effective communication is the fuel that enables trust. You cannot talk about team cohesion without trust among team members. To help you during this #covid19 crisis, we have prepared for you a PPT slide deck you can readily use to train your staff to communicate better. Now is the time to create team ownership and focus on a common agenda. People will not listen to you if they do not trust you. If people do not listen, they cannot be influenced and or persuaded to act. Business-comunication-basics.pptx So, how do you…