Effective communicators invest in understanding their audience. Who is who in the audience and what are their expectations? As the world navigates through a pandemic, the tone of the leaders is critical. People want to listen to clear directives and a message of hope, backed with facts and data. This is not the time to point fingers. It is a time to bring everyone on the table and focus on confronting a common enemy. People are always looking for cues and listening to the leader’s tone. Is it hazy or clear? Is it consistent or not? Is it strategic or…
Book 1, Week 1 of March 2020: Our iceberg is melting by John Kotter
Now is the time to embrace change. #covid19 calls for adaptability and responsiveness to change. As a leader, you need skills to implement change seamlessly and swiftly. In this VUCAP – volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, and pandemic — world, the only constant changes. To help you think faster and embrace these new times, I recommend you read, Our Iceberg is Melting, Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions, by John Kotter. You can buy a copy of the book from Amazon. Like the other change management classic, Who Moved My Cheese, book by Dr. Spencer Johnson, Our Iceberg is Melting is…
Any questions to ask the Interview Panel?
The covid19 effects are starting to bite hard. There are massive layoffs both forced and voluntary, due to increased pressures on staff to go the extra mile to work for the business survival. Some companies are closing due to a lack of cash flows to meet the operating costs, that are increasing without corresponding revenues to offset them. This process is expected to continue until the year-end whether a cure or vaccine for #covid19 is found sooner or later. Many people are going to start looking for jobs. Now is the time to prepare. Whether you have a job or…
Driving change in a world under #coronavirus quarantine
Driving change in a world under #coronavirus quarantine Get your top staff, that represent 80% of your business’s strategic functions in terms of value creation and revenue and discuss some #covid19 response strategy. Here are the talking points: How is #coronavirus affecting your industry in general, and your business in particular? For each issue identified, describe what it is, how it affects your business and the best strategic response. What interventions must you do to win? What worries you about each of these changes and what excites you about each of these changes? What are the best strategic and tactical…
#Covid19: issues leaders must address in these coronavirus times
If you are an employer or a business leader, your business has been affected positively or negatively. Some companies like Zoom, Amazon, Netflix, and those with digital delivery channels have reported increased demand for their services. All financial institutions with robust internet and mobile banking have too, reported a great first quarter. Some companies and businesses that depend on tourism and travel have been adversely hit. Airlines, hotels, fashion houses, sports, and the entire ecosystem is under the cold. Now is the time to rethink the business models. Below are some key issues for leaders to consider and how to…
Communicate with clarity for team collaboration in tough times
No one expected the #covid19 is a pandemic. Coronavirus happened suddenly like an accident and has exposed so many leaders across the world about their readiness to anticipate and contain a pandemic. Many people have died, and many businesses too. And the impact of the pandemic is not over yet. Analysts anticipate that the world may likely recover fully from this pandemic in 2022 or 23! It is not good news. What are your plans to move from where you are now, to 2023? What if the pandemic does not relent by December 2020? How do you keep your business…