Effective leadership

If you get people, blind fold them and ask them to begin throwing stones, can they hit the same target? This is why many

If you get people, blind fold them and ask them to begin throwing stones, can they hit the same target? This is why many leaders have the vision, objectives, know where the business is heading. Unfortunately don’t have the art of how to create commitment and team alignment to ensure the different departments; CEO, HR, Finance and operations have same clarity of the journey. If you give these people roles but don’t show them how they fit their core activities into the bigger picture of the business, they will be throwing arrows in different directions. They will never hit the target.

At the end of the day, you will see the business growing but sluggishly. The question is; “Is the pace of your business the one it should be at considering the resources and the kind of people that you have?” people come to work but are not aware of the most pressing issue of the business. That is poor leadership!


“Is the pace of your business the one it should be at considering the resources and the kind of people that you have?”


I want to invite you to my world. At the end of the day, everyone needs a mentor. You need someone who keeps your feet on fire even if things are not right. This mentor helps provides you with essentialfocus but also clarity of HR, CEO, Finance, and Operations. What are the key priorities of the business so that when HR or Finance are working, they are focused towards attaining the same target?

Once you have clarity at each level and their performance priorities are aligned, there is efficiency in the business. That’s what makes good leadership.

Good leadership is able to create commitment at each level so that all staff have clarity of the direction. When you see people talk about demotivation, team building, it is a sign of lack of clarity of their role in the journey.

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