Questions for Teachers
- How safe am I if schools are opened?
- Are students books safe to mark?
- Do I get free medication if I get COVID at work
- Is my family compensated if I die after getting COVID at school?
- Will I get risk allowances when schools opening?
- Is it worth to die for 40$ US which is not enough to feed, clothe and shelter my family?
- Will I be able to teach 6 x 35 minutes periods in a day with a musk
- I have other health conditions that might affect me in this COVID pandemic and am supposed to teach my o level class. How do I go about it?
Questions for Schools
- If a student in class shows COVID symptoms after lunch during learning. Do we also quarantine the teachers, the whole class or the whole school ( writing classes)?
- How frequently do we test the temperature of teachers and students?
- If given 1 machine to test temperature. Is it possible to test 20x 4 classes before lessons?
- Who Will test temperature of the students? Teachers are not paid for that.
- Is the teaching and learning going to continue if we run out of sanitizer?
- If the teacher is in self-quarantine, who will take his/her load?
Questions for Responsible Authority
- Are all schools having enough desk to maintain social distance?
- Are you able to employ more teachers since the teacher to pupil ratio decreases? How many teachers are needed per school in each department per subject?
Questions for Parents
- Is my child not going to bring COVID home?
- How safe is my child if schools open?
- Is education the priority than the life of your child?
Let’s not forget that COVID is spread out by air and contact therefore its a contagious disease.
Let’s hope for the best and keep praying
~From a Teachers’ forum
Note: I received this article on my WhatsApp mobile as a forward. It is not written by me. And I don’t know the original author/s. The article will teach you a lesson and that is why I am sharing it. If you share, add this disclaimer.
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