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How to get on the board

If you want to fly with the eagles, why swim with the Ducks? If you are a manager, which kind of books are you reading?

Read about real life stories on how to get on the board and become a fantastic director. You will learn a lot about governance in one book within a month than what majority of people spend a year to master!

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7 tools To Add Value on the Board Book

You can’t hide an Elephant, If something is good, it speaks for itself~ Mustapha m. Mugisa

Improve your condition

Improve your condition​

Personal Success

I want a clear personal strategy, action plan and be the best version of myself

Way of the Guerrilla

I want to worry know more about end of month bills,put more money on the table and grow my sales.

Business Strategy

I want to master governance secrets for business growth and maximize profits

Transform Leadership

I want to create commitment, NOT just compliance. Motivate and bring out the best in my team.

Speak to Influence

I want to speak to influence, not to just inform. I want to stand out of the crowd. To lead.

Effective Board Training

Do you want to Induct/Train your Board of Directors ?


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