World leaders seem to have accepted the new reality: coronavirus is here to stay just like HIV/AIDS and the earlier we learn to live with it and not without it the better.
Today 6th June 2020, the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases stands at 557. A total of 319 are under admission. No death has been reported as yet in Uganda.
- Despite the increasing number of confirmed cases, governments have continued to ease the lockdown restrictions. As of today, many of the businesses have been allowed to re-open; including manufacturing companies, markets, retail shops, and cars – both private and public have been allowed to return to the roads subject to social distancing measures.
- But we know it is not easy to observe social distance in congested spaces like public service vehicles (PSVs). Be it as it may if indeed coronavirus is a deadly virus that overwhelms health services, then we are heading into deadly winds.
- Back in March 2020, when less than 10 cases had been reported, the economy went under lockdown, actions which have paralyzed livelihoods and businesses. Three months into the pandemic, our leaders have realized that people must get back to work. It is not a winning strategy to try to live without coronavirus. Rather we must learn to live with it. And that is the lesson.
- Just like the world learned to live with diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, non-communicable diseases, accidents, cancer, and many others, coronavirus has been added to such diseases. Now each person is on their own. Life must go on. When someone gets infected, it shall be just like any other disease. You will visit a public hospital and if there are no beds or medicines you go and wait to die.
- Going forward, I see the government likely to stop making daily announcements of the new confirmed cases, recoveries, and death, if any. Just like the way the government never announces cancer, malaria, accidents, non-communicable diseases, death due to hunger, etc. the same shall soon apply to coronavirus cases and related death. Daily or weekly announcements make the public worried and afraid.
- As I see it, we have all given in to this virus #covid19. It is here to stay. The earlier we learn to live with it the better. Embrace remote working. Love technology. Be agile. Eat well. Exercise. Avoid public places. And be your brother’s keeper.
- Since faith and hope go together since the coronavirus has now become part of our lives. The government should immediately open places of worship everywhere and let people take the risk. Let people observe social distance but have the freedom to go to Churches, Mosques, and all places where they enjoy group prayers and praises. That is how I see it.
May you stay safe and free from coronavirus.
Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.
Post Views: 756
One Comment
Joseph Mutumba
Very agreeable. May we move on in faith, hope and love. It’s these Godly virtues that should truly shape our world now. Many forces have kept them away from various contexts and at the end the principle of reaping what is sown applies. Stay safe and God bless.