Your Marriage is not a mistake, this is the mistake

Most of the time when marriage is in trouble, people tend to see their Marriage as a mistake. They regret marrying the person they

Most of the time when marriage is in trouble, people tend to see their Marriage as a mistake. They regret marrying the person they Married, they think of a new deal, they imagined marrying their ex, they fantasize marrying another person. They want to correct their Mistake, so they think.

Some divorced and remarried and but later wish they remain with their first Spouse, as they find greater trouble in the new Spouse, this is because the first Marriage is not a Mistake, they’ve not discovered the mistake.

?When a Car has flat Tyre we do not abandon the Car, but change the Tyre and move on.

?When we have a headache, no matter how excruciating, we do not cut the head but take care of the headache.

?When a Bulb blows out in the room we do not change the room or the House, we replace the Bulb and light the room.

?When we have challenges at Work, we do not refuse to go to work, we go there to solve the problem.

??‍♂But when a marriage has an issue, we try to change the spouse instead of changing the attitude, so we end up going in the cycle.

Most a time, we see some couples enjoying their marriages and enjoying each other to the fullness and we admire and cherish them, but the opposite is seen in our own marriage. The reason is that some worked on their marriage by paying the necessary prize and that is why they are enjoying the fruits of their labour. It is said, “The way you make your bed is the way you will lay on it”.

??Your marriage is good or sweet as you make it.??

Some couples, because of the negative things they are seeing in their marriage, they accuse each other of being responsible. They point accusing fingers at each other of being responsible. Some even say many bad things about their spouse even calling him or her a witch or wizard; some think that marrying that man or the woman was a mistake. It is not so, your marriage was not a mistake, but you are the mistake.

▪Your habits are the mistake

May you succeed in your marriage by changing what should be changed instead of abandoning the car or house when something small is out of order

Note: I received this article on my WhatsApp mobile as a forward. It is not written by me. And I don’t know the original author/s. The article will teach you a lesson and that is why I am sharing it. If you share, add this disclaimer.

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