Internet means the ‘international network.’ Internet works like the transport road system. Uganda is currently finalizing plans of constructing a joint railway connecting to Kenya, Tanzania and then Rwanda. The question is “who is going to police which section of the railway?” When it comes a physical road, the boundaries are very clear. You are able to know where a given road starts and stops. Where the roads starts and ends, the laws of that country prevail. In that case, you can easily policy the road network. If an accident happens on a road section in a certain country, the…
Role models vs mentors
Let’s not compare the two. We actually need both of them. We need to have people whom you look up to. In Uganda, we have a lot of challenges. People just want to steal because the people they look up did not get money in the right way. They are maybe very few who have attained success in the right way. However, these are not documented. The people being documented have a lot of black spots when you try tracing how they got the money. Many entrepreneurs find unexplained gaps when they try to look up to some individuals in…