“Motivation is not about yelling or shouting at people or being annoyed and keeping quiet. Motivation is about providing a MOTIVE as to why you should do what you are doing.” As you go for lunch, think about what motivates you? The best motivation is from within. The motive to surprise oneself and break the ceiling. That is a result of a fine attitude. What is your attitude? Is it to find excuses why you cannot do it or why you can do it better?
#WayOfTheGuerrilla: what is your sales focus? Part 2 of 7
The kind of decisions you take can make or fail your business. As an entrepreneur, what is your focus? As a follower of the #WayofTheGuerrilla, for super sales, where do you put your effort? Regardless of business or professionalism, marketing and sales are one is the number one skill you need to develop in your life. When it comes to your career and business, where do you put a lot of strength and focus? PREVIOUSLY: #WayoftheGuerilla: Part 1 of 7 Selling on a shoestring budget Do you focus your business effort on generating sales, or cost–cutting, creating networks or breaking…