16:22-34; Psalm 137; l John 16:5-11 Today’s first reading tells us of the imprisonment of St Paul and his companion Silas. They had freed a girl of an evil spirit which now meant that she was useless to her masters. These same masters had Paul and Silas imprisoned because of their lost earnings now that she was freed from possession. However, this is turned into an occasion of teaching and conversion when they are freed from their chains and the gaoler sees this. As a result, the gaoler is converted to the faith. In the gospel, Jesus tells his followers…
Best of WhatsApp: #covid19 risk alert – possible DANGER OF FACEMASK
The face mask is supposed to be used for a limited time. If you wear it for a long time: 1. Oxygen in the blood reduces. 2. Oxygen to the brain reduces. 3. You start feeling weak. 4. May lead to death. ADVICE a. Pull it off when you are alone. I see a lot of people in their car with AC on still wearing face MASK. Ignorance or illiteracy? b. Do not use it at home. c. Only use it in a crowded place and when in close contact with one or more persons. d. Reduce the use of…
An Act of Spiritual Communion
Since members of the public shall not be able to receive Holy Communion, let each one of us make an act of Spiritual Communion composed by St. Alphonsus Liguori; “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You Sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.” Amen. 7. A Prayer In…
Homily for Monday, Sixth Week of Easter
Reading Acts 16:11-15 Jn 15:26-16:4a In the gospel reading this morning, Jesus expresses concern lest the faith of his disciples might be shaken. He shows an awareness that suffering is likely to come their way, in the form of persecution and hostility, and suffering might be undermining of their faith in him. The words of Jesus to his disciples can speak to our experience. Various experiences can shake our own faith. Some personal suffering, the efforts of others to undermine our faith, the failures of people of faith whom we trusted – all of these experiences, and many others could…