Cybercrime continues to ravage the world second to the Coronavirus pandemic worsened by the corrupt public officials. Cyberwarfare, cyber weaponry, cyber espionage, cyber identity theft, and cyber privacy breaches, and a plethora of crimes by governments against their citizens and governments against other sovereign states is on the rise by the day. The digital revolution has sparked creativity and innovation by decentralizing broadcasting and or self-publishing rights. If you have anything novel, unique, and interesting, all you need is a basic mobile phone camera to record your act and broadcast to the world via YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or any other…
Do you fulfill your promises? The story of Abraham Lincoln
A (Wo)man and man is as good as their word. They say do not give promises you cannot fulfill. Sometimes in the heat of the excitement, people throw out promises freely only to become prisoners of the same. Talking about keeping promises, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States comes to mind. Below is an extract of one of the stories about keeping promises: “A story is told about Abraham Lincoln that he never indulged in drinking alcohol of any type. Let alone testing it. It is said that once the President was offered a drink by one…