The good employee thinks like a business owner

A good employee understands how the business owner thinks. Any staff who does work and takes decisions in the best interests of the business

A good employee understands how the business owner thinks. Any staff who does work and takes decisions in the best interests of the business and not their personal or staff interests has the right mindset to lead.

In today’s faced-paced business environment, business owners want to work with potential business partners other than employees. They need leaders instead of followers.

Whereas the majority of employees think about salary and small benefits, outlier staff think about looking for a business to make more money so that they may share profits. They are natural hunters as than cooks. They focus more on the revenue side than on the cost side. They spend a lot of time thinking about revenue growth as opposed to personal benefits and pay.

A typical employee thinks more about salary. A business partner thinks about costcutting, prospecting and growing the top line or revenue. An employee who has the mindset of a founder is more likely to succeed whether they remain as employees or decide to start their own businesses. But such people will already know that working as a partner is quicker to scale and succeed, than on their own, so they will keep articulating their value.

How the business owner thinks

1. What is the business’s strategy for growth?
2. Who are our target customers?
3. How much money do we have on the bank account? Is it enough to pay all costs and also support capabilities for the future growth of the business
4. Where will future growth come from? Which new products and services must we introduce to remain relevant?
5. Do we have the right team to drive growth and keep the company competitive?
6. How do we motivate the rest of the team to do their best
7. Are we making enough money to keep the business free of debt, overdraft and operation costs malaise?
8. Are our clients satisfied with our services? Are all jobs executed well? Have we received testimonials for all ongoing projects or have we asked for testimonial and referrals
9. Who is focusing on the top line?

Any organisation can be divided into three parts

Frontline, middle line, and strategic line.

The frontline or operations team is where the most action takes place. There are the people involved in execution and day to day interaction with customers. For that reason, that is where innovation and customer service excellence takes place.

A staff that thinks like the business owner makes sure that they take care of customer service quality and client relationship management. They will proactively seek to understand the client business to discover other needs and suggest new services aimed at addressing these pains. Where the company does not yet provide such services, they will share with the team the identified new needs to explore the possibility of a new service line aimed at helping the customer. That is how growth is achieved. A bad employee, on the other hand, will just be concerned about the existing product and work like a robot. Once they finish, they are out of the client only to realize that the client offered to another consultant or provider a bigger and better project which would have been handled!

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2019. All rights reserved.

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