Agility. Are you agile and fast?

Life is face-paced. Are you? You have seen people who take life so slow as if they will live for 120 years? They say

Life is face-paced. Are you?

You have seen people who take life so slow as if they will live for 120 years? They say things like, even if you run, you will stop. They forget that about the point at which you stop is far ahead of theirs!

That is an edge when it comes to business.

I am seated here at the Japanese restaurant and the layout is set to optimize efficiency in terms of time and Labour intensity.

The menu is placed at the entrance. It is self-service. You see what you like, you press. Make your pick. And any extras. The bill shows up. You can pay with a visa or transfer or cash. The cash till is next. Self-service or person collects. Next, you move to the water tap, or dry towel, which is constantly being replaced with fresh ones.

By the time you reach where to sit, your order is delivered instantly. No time wasted waiting.

You eat and go through a different exit door. Traffic flow is streamlined. The process flow is clear. The quality of the meal is fantastic. Everything is set to make the customer happy. Nothing written about the customer is king nonsense where they stop at writing.

Here it is all in the action and service quality. Now I know when you love someone there is no need to tell the person that you love them: you focus on showing them the love. Your actions. Do hug them. Do you buy them a gift? Do you great them often. When did you last send them a message wishing them a new year or new day?

You cannot fail to demonstrate love. Likewise, customers will come back when they experience quality services.

In Bangkok, there is a restaurant I return to every time I visit this city. They are just outstanding when it comes to service. It is like this Japanese restaurant I have just discovered here.

Are your words justified by your actions? If yes, stop talking and focus on the action. It is enough.

Don’t talk. Do. Life is fast-paced. Whoever thinks and moves fast, wins. There is no shortcut.

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved

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