Have you ever heard about monkeys in a cage experiment? Many people behave like those monkey’s killing your morale and dreams unknowingly, thinking that they are helping you when they are helping themselves. To win, you must decide who to listen to. What was the monkey experiment about? Around 1967, a group of scientists put five monkeys in a specially built tall cage. High up in one corner of the cage, a bunch of bananas were placed in such a way monkeys could see but could not reach it. A ladder was placed against the case such that a monkey…
Are you a father in your children’s lives or a father to your children’s lives?
Some fathers just stop enjoying that special moment which leads to a new life. For some reason, they do not do much to nurture, support, and cheer their children. These are the fathers of their children’s lives. They do not go far in taking the critical role of upbringing their children. Other fathers are special. They are a father in the family. They enjoy the gift of fatherhood – always present to guide, support, and nurture the young ones with the guidance they need to make the right choices. They take care of their wife (wives) so that they are…
My 10 questions for our ICPAU Council Aspirants
Dear ICPAU Council Aspirant, Thanks for offering to serve on the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU) Council. I know 12 of you have offered to serve on Council, but there are only seven (7) seats available for election. This means ICPAU members in good standing as at the date of voting shall select only seven members. As a member of the Institute, we need the best candidate in terms of winning ideas and commitment to the accountancy profession to win. To win my vote, please tell us more about your agenda by answering the below questions: Would…
Dear Fraud Fighter
Welcome to 2020, a year of the coronavirus pandemic. Times of scarcity like these are fuel for fraudsters. As you have learned from your fraud examination training – pressure, opportunity, and rationalization — the Fraud Triangle — significantly influence someone to commit fraud. In pandemic times like these characterized by loss of income, many people are exploring ways of survival. The pressure on them is too much to bear. They are under lockdown at home and must find money to pay the bills and buy food. Any opportunity available, many are likely to take it. Because they have the reasons…
Are you a good chairperson?
I have worked with so many board and committee Chairpersons over the years. Some are great, others are a disaster. Whereas a few are seasoned and highly experienced, many others just found themselves in the roles and lack the leadership skills needed to win. The good news is anyone can be a great chair if they learn three simple skills – patience, focus and step back. Whether you are a chair of a simple party meeting or a board, you must invest in self-education and, training to acquire the essential skills needed to win in the role. Good chairs are…
Australia reports a massive cyber attack by a state actor
Canberra, 19th June 2020: A massive cyber-attack is spreading across the world, as it causes chaos in its wake. It has been reported in global online media that “On Friday, a massive wave of cyber-attacks swept across 99 countries, with cyber-security experts claiming it could be the biggest attack of its kind ever recorded.” The Australian media reported the following: “Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull insisted that even if we are targeted, the government is prepared. We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and stand ready to deal with any cyber-security threat to Australia’s critical infrastructure,” he said through a…